Put a Gojyo on the Handwaved CR meme!
lulu 🌸
Loving those ?????
lulu 🌸
monts would be like "good"
What are feelings? How do feel around cute girl you aren't kissing yet??? Why is he not kissing cute girl yet????? 404-ERROR
lulu 🌸
it's like she drew an invisible line with invisible chalk and he's like "wait where is it" and she's like "guess you'll figure it out later :V"
>:-( !!!!!
Just... keep on sneaking on close and trying. But at the same time feeling more and more hesitant cause he's getting to know her and get close tobher and stuff and that sounds messy man
lulu 🌸
we love a mess here
The story that is them and their similar mutual trust and long term commitment issues
lulu 🌸
it's ok, they held hands, that's a big step
Who knows one day they may just curl up and cuddle
lulu 🌸
lime skittle
hello money sink
lime skittle : ah, his queen. She has returned /swoon
How's it feel yo be that badness walking around the city with a gaggle of cute boys hanging off your shoulders, huh julietta?