since Wednesday afternoon my island had no water supply because the neighbouring state had a flood and the debris and mud contaminated the river that we get water from. It clogged up our filter. I stood an hour in line to buy bottled water. Slowly different areas of the island got water supply back. After 2 days my house got water and now its gone again
ugh =.= no water is harder than no electricity.. hope your supply goes back to normal soon...
we have some water we collected in pails. We are not concerned about drinking water because I bought a lot. Its the bathroom we are concerned about. Also because all the water pipes were dry and empty, as soon as water came back - some old pipes can't handle the pressure, so there are pipes bursting and flooding some areas. Due to this
water in some areas need to be shut off again for the repairs.
its so frustrating and our state water supply company has no contingency plan or back up for situations like this
: yes! no electricity, i will complain about the heat but i could just take multiple showers. No water, no baths, no pooping, peeing is also hard, so I am drinking less. I am so glad I am not on my period but then again I hope I don't jinx myself.
no water is awful
oh no. i hope your water problem gets resolved as soon as possible.