When the preference is turned on, the app will attempt to match you with women riders. However, if you find at pick-up that this is not the case, you may choose to cancel the trip without it affecting your cancellation rate. Simply choose the ‘I selected trips with women riders’ cancellation reason.
看了 連結的文章 和 uber這篇 ,真的很微妙,認同為女性及非二元的駕駛可以選擇偏好女性乘客,如果駕駛到了接送點發現乘客不是女性還可以取消接送
When the preference is turned on, the app will attempt to match you with women riders. However, if you find at pick-up that this is not the case, you may choose to cancel the trip without it affecting your cancellation rate. Simply choose the ‘I selected trips with women riders’ cancellation reason.