Yea I generally try to give them the benefit of the doubt too. The only ones that tend to sneak into the house are the little harmless jumpy guys and daddy longlegs, but the kid is terrified of them.
Doodlebuginette: we had a pantropical pair of jumpers right on the left side of our door on top of our standup freezer on the patio and the last time i saw the male he was missing three legs so something must have tried to get him
i saw the female looking at me earlier this morning and idk if she was wondering where he hubby was or not. i hope he's okay but ... i can't look out for my outdoor babies every minute of every day
like i've escorted a recluse out but he came close to being smashed bc he kept trying to run and i wasn't gonna let him get lost in our home because we're all immune deficient and mom is chronically ill
I don't even kill wasps on sight if I feel like there's a chance I can chase them back out. I just don't want them in my house because I've been stung multiple times and that shit sucks
I had no idea wasps were bad news/dangerous with lizards and beardies in the house. Good to know!! Also I love this spider relocation story 😊 I love having spiders in my house, but have never seen one of the kind you mentioned!
Spiders kill and eat bugs, so they’re welcome with me and my boyfriend. I have cried before upon having to kill a black widow in my parent house, but there was a puppy in the home at the, deadly spider. I just hate killing anything.
Oh yes and your mom being allergic is enough reason to be 100% safe. Like they help pollinate and are clearly Important to ecosystems buuuuut they can be quite aggressive so we just can’t risk that
Important to ecosystems buuuuut they can be quite aggressive so we just can’t risk that
Seeing their photos.