I also have doubts as to whether the one who woke up with the throat tickle is lying because she already tried to cancel the meeting yesterday saying that other supervisor and I wouldn't be there so why bother.
But every. Single. Time. I ever have to ask her to come in or change her schedule even slightly, she makes a big production about how it's such an imposition.
She is great at the job when she's here, but she has serious issues with flexiblity despite telling me otherwise, and keeps trying to play the owner and I against each other when she gets answers she doesn't like.
(The inflexibility would not even be a problem if she didn't say she was flexible, tbh. And I think it comes from her being unaware of herself, not lying, but that amounts to the same amount of trouble on my end)
All of this to say, I'm fucking grumpy and might have to work on my vacation that I put in like a month ago and chose a week specifically that we're closed on Monday to make the schedule easier.
You remember how we first met in person, though? Me reaching out to people out of state specifically so that I would be out of state and completely unavailable for work, no matter what crisis happened?