Mouth Powers
I don't know why I always imagine I'll get tags done while traveling
Mouth Powers
every time!! every time Im like ahhhh, time off work, surely then I will dive into my game :>
Mouth Powers
and every time I spend all my time away with family doing other things
Mouth Powers
ANYWAY fortunately I can sort of just say my lads mostly had low-key ports but are there any wardens who would have let Tik-Tok off the boat prior to him getting paired up with Kirei, or nah?
Lady Stardust
Lady Stardust
Iris will
steve could have, too, if he saw the guy wanting to dismebark
disembark, even
Mouth Powers
Mouth Powers
how close an eye with either of them have kept on him
Lady Stardust
not super close, she's busy making dicosaur friends
traveling is hard on tags! welcome home
haha closer than that, although not like following him breathing down his neck either. steve would've asked if he wanted backup/help, and then asked the guy to maybe check in every few hours and gone looking if he didn't
Mouth Powers
technically I am going back later this evening but my mother and brother are both at doctor's for mystery ailments so Im getting a headstart on catchup lmao
just to make sure he doesn't get the robot equivalent of killed out there :x steve isn't gonna leave anybody for dead unless they WANT to be left for dead
(he also would've given him the rundown of "yeah you'll just get pulled back onboard if you try to leave, it sucks but here's a heads up")
so if you need more freedom I'd say go with iris, and if he doesn't care about steve making concerned faces or speeches, then steve is fine XD
(also oh no I hope they feel better!)
Mouth Powers
haha is steve doing supply collect or is he more :| the admiral can get his own stuff :||
more... of the latter. XD although he IS collecting either edible/plantable plants so people can, you know, manage on their own without needing to ask the admiral, and also totally divesting those poachers of their equipment because they don't need it. 8D; B could use those parts for alarms
like he won't let the barge starve because the admiral is dumb, but he's not taking a list or anything like that XD
he's also not about killing dinos. racing and possibly punching, but not killing unless someone is about to get eaten
people can eat veggies
(Jedao would be welcome to hang out by Gonou's campfire and/or be rescued from a dinosaur while in port, if you want to handwave or thread anything along those lines!)
Mouth Powers
Jedao has wandered off alone into the jungle following his item to overboard!flint, at which point he is like
Mouth Powers
"did this dinosaur eat my inmate???"
Lady Stardust
whereas Iris is doing many fetch quests and riding wild utahraptors and wrangling her own inmate so she's just like "have fun and don't get killed"
Mouth Powers
I THINK if I had been doing this on time I'd have him go with Iris and then slip away and cause trouble, but since I'm belated I'll have him go with steve and Act Helpful
Mouth Powers
he's not particularly durable or powerful or anything but he DOES have the advantage of not being made of meat, so I figure he could maybe helpfully scout areas
... a valid question! though I suppose if he requests a resurrection and the Admiral informs him Flint's not dead, that would give it away (thinking)
Mouth Powers
his item should also be able to tell him he's alive
Mouth Powers
he's just very confused
Mouth Powers
and Tik-Tok would definitely try to get some poacher weapons or dangerous herbs, but that is also a kirei problem
whatever works for you XD
yeah steve... probably would not let him keep poacher weapons but obviously he can go off and do that on his own
so yeah, they can hang out and then split off as needed and just check in via comm to make sure nobody dies
steve is still very much "I don't want to be a warden" but also "I don't want to arm everyone willy nilly" XD
Mouth Powers
EXTREMELY wise tbh
Mouth Powers
Tik-Tok is very much going to be gently like...seeing what he can get away with without trying too hard
Mouth Powers
*appearing to try too hard
Mouth Powers
and then maybe they get separated!!! by dinosaurs!! oh no!!!
Mouth Powers
and on comms Tik says he's alright but he's low-ish on battery and he'll just head back to the ship for now or smth
Mouth Powers
Totally Reasonable :>
totally XD
steve knows nothing about robot batteries
Mouth Powers
he DOES actually need to recharge at some point but canon tells me nothing about how often lmao
so unhelpful
Lady Stardust
I just want you to know I bought Revenant Gun so I won't be canonblind any more
Mouth Powers
Lady Stardust
I love Hemiola already