Year of the Cat
Just a Plurk to let everyone know I'm alive. Just in the middle of a ten day stretch of work that is burning me out big time. All I want to do is sleep right now.
Toasty Mallow
Year of the Cat
Doing training today too which is requiring ALL my brainpower and concentration right now.
Toasty Mallow
I remember those
Year of the Cat
Yeah, there's advantages and disadvantages to every job, but this is definitely one of the disadvantages.
Year of the Cat
The advantage was being able to take my little sis recently for a sister day and getting the Pride Star Wars baseball cap that was sold out online.
ten days? damn....
yeah jobs like that are so much on ur energy
Ten day is too many. :-(
spicy mycophile
Year of the Cat
Normally I have today off so I'd get a break in there but today was the only day they could fit me in for training, so I've got three more days after this till I get another day off.
Year of the Cat
Home now. Passed training so YAY!!!! Got a single tag done and that's it for the night peeps, I'm gonna go get some sleep.
/tucks you in/
Year of the Cat
Year of the Cat
Two more days......two more days and then I am FREE!!!!
Year of the Cat
Until then, bear with me friends on the fact I still can't do tags. I am so emotionally drained from work right now it's all I can do to get through the workday and remember to eat occasionally.
pls do get rest when u can
Year of the Cat
Oh definitely, I'm gonna go crash and sleep for ten hours if I can.
yes good
that's the best thing u can do during all this... absurd work schedule :|