Dr Sheepenstein
What do your characters think about mine?
Dr Sheepenstein
Trevor thinks of Hunter as the little brother he never had. He would die for him. Probably multiple times. He's not good about expressing his feelings openly but he will 100% outfit the kid in weapons and armor to show affection. He loves hanging out with him and is a little bittersweet because he thinks he'll never leave the Barge and have to say goodbye
Yunlan on Hunter: cute kid, super brainwashed. Eiffel: Means well, Most Likely To Accidentally Blow Up Something Important. Tim: Smart, seems fairly good with people.
Gonou on Eiffel: likes him a lot, feels protective of him, is a little afraid to relax too much around him because he's genuinely confused about what Eiffel thinks of him.
Nathaniel, lying on his bed dreaming of destroying Hunter: thinking about my enemy a normal amount. He has been Acknowledged, never going to be able to detach him. Meanwhile, his brain, like, literally can't register that Eiffel exists.
Dr Sheepenstein
LiberBEARian hunter's idea of a family dynamic is so broken but if he was like 10% healthier on that mark he'd definitely put Trevor in like. the exact same category. he's the best big brother, he enjoys spending time with him and training and giving him shit so much, he feels really safe with him
He loves being that safety net for Hunter. He really wishes he could have been there for him at an earlier age, decked anyone who looked at him funny.
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Kiryu on Tim: his 'little brother', his apprentice, such a good, dependable friend
Kiryu on Hunter: that kid who friends with his kids
Kiryu on Eiffel: he exists and he's a little thoughtless
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Warren on Eiffel: perpetual fond facepalm and wishing he'd lean more into his competence and less into his mouth
Warren on Hunter: he exists
Warren on Tim: trusts him more than he thinks Tim knows, wants to help him since he genuinely sees how much Jacobi cares for him and connects with him, likes him and thinks he's very capable and flexible
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Dracula on Hunter: son. his son. that's his baby. Hunter is baby. His. Such a brilliant, lovely boy.
Dracula on Tim: well, he seems like a decent warden to Jacobi
Dracula on Eiffel: ...he's seen worse.
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Makima on Tim: pretty man full of cuddles, potentially trouble since he argues with her but not in a disliking her way so acceptable.
Jon on Tim: FRAND. One of His. Occasionally frustrating.
Jon on Eiffel: one of the better options for Elias but also facepalm sometimes
𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘢
Dorian on Tim: very cute, very fun to shoot the shit with, would not mind if he swaps to fuckbuddy status, also wouldn't mind if he stays friends
Dorian on Eiffel: how are you charming despite the fact that you're objectively an idiot
𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘢
Kyoko on Hunter: good kid even if he's a bit of a narc, close to a friend, she will KICK HIS ASS one day
Kyoko to Eiffel: plz die
Dr Sheepenstein
Kira🌵 Eiffel once set most of the oxygen on fire in their space station trying to light a cigarette so uh
Dr Sheepenstein
also the beauty is gonou could just ask and there's like no way eiffel'll be able to lie about it bc he wouldn't see a reason to but also would panic if he tried
unfortunately you underestimate the degree to which Gonou can absolutely not bear to ask anyone whose opinion he cares about what they think of him
he would much rather just assume the worst and then be confused by positive responses!!
Dr Sheepenstein
anstaar I love how much mental space Nathaniel has dedicated to Hunter at all times when Hunter only remembers to hate him when he sees him and is the rest of the time like "he sure is another inmate"
Adrian on Hunter: A cringing, constant pressure to unfuck the fucked version of him kinda clouds things, and he is not good at recognizing his own emotions. But the beginnings of a sibling-y protectiveness, albeit very unpracticed. He adopts a lot of orphans and is trying not to do that here, because Hunter's not that much younger than he is
listen, he has three hobbies and suddenly a lot of free time
since he doesn't have work, gotta fill that lack of self-reflection somehow!
Dr Sheepenstein
ⲱⲓⲧⲥⲏⲩ ⲱⲟⲙⲁⲛ Tim appreciates how highly Kiryu thinks of him just so much, he feels honoured in that and he enjoys working to maintain it. Kiryu's a great person
Dr Sheepenstein
Eiffel is working on being the person Warren very clearly sees in him but it's hard because it means making the effort and what if he fucks that up? he's so scared of making anything like that big mistake again. and yes Tim doesn't quite fully understand the depths of Warren's trust but he knows he's easily one of the best allies he has in any situation
Dr Sheepenstein
one day Hunter will be able to like. actually appreciate how much Dracula cares about him and wants the genuine best for him. it's still a bit too foreign but he wants to understand bc if Dracula wants him then that's a good thing right??
Dr Sheepenstein
Tim doesn't think Makima's necessarily a bad person gee I wonder why he just thinks she has a very warped perspective on things and he won't be able to help her if he makes it a personal attack. she's smart, she can handle a little debate!
Dr Sheepenstein
and Jon is just. Tim's boi. the depths to their everything is wild and he adores him. how is someone so smart so stupid sometimes. Eiffel is doing his best to understand and listen to Jon even if all of the specifics of the Fears are going over his head, he wants to help and be good for Elias
1. tim, you're hot but SUCH a dick
2. eiffel WHY
elias finds him infuriating and genuinely thinks he has issues with taking things seriously and that bothers elias who TAKES THINGS VERY SERIOUSLY
Dr Sheepenstein
(o・_・)ノ 1. you deserve to be treated like the piece of shit that you are
2. maybe you take things too seriously Elias, ever think of THAT
Dr Sheepenstein
but no Eiffel can take things seriously but it's always like. if he does then what if it goes wrong and he's responsible for making a Big Mistake, he doesn't want to handle that pressure!! let's just be chill Elias! do you want some weed
and making big mistakes is fine you just make sure you have someone else there to blame it on
Dr Sheepenstein
𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘢 Tim would quite happily be FWB with Dorian, it's just that like the only times Dorian had brought it up is when he's drowning his sorrows and Tim is too good to be someone's rebound booty call thank you
Dr Sheepenstein
and Eiffel is charming bc he is 100% genuinely himself at like, all times. (or at least the palatable version of himself that doesn't have any trauma for people to dig into)
Dr Sheepenstein
also I love Kyoko and Hunter being dumb feral cats in the same room who act like they hate each other, but then you put one of them outside and the other starts pawing at the door to get them let back in
𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘢
God, that is exactly their relationship
Hunter: I understand that you're in a situation where you're stuck at a frustrating place in growing up. Next time, please don't hit me in the nuts; I need those for recreation

Eiffel: Thank you for catching me up on cultural knowledge. In the real world, I hate watching movies for personal reasons, but Iron Giant was pretty great
Tim: You a great big ho.
Dr Sheepenstein
floofdoodle Hunter fails to see why you need those. but also he thinks Sweeney is great. if he hadn't gotten Trevor first he'd probably latch onto Sweeney as a cool big brother but now he's like. rags's cool big brother. a safe fall-back since he's Someone He Can Understand Bc He'll Just Hit You If He's Mad
Big mood on that last bit, Hunter. But it's for the best he got Trevor and Rags. Both way better solutions for that role
Dr Sheepenstein
Eiffel was a bit confused whether he liked Madden or not even by the end, but Sweeney was super sincere with him when they were doing drinks together afterwards and he appreciates that. and he think Sweeney definitely Gets It on some level, he smells like a guy who's been through the fuckin ringer. he's a good dude
Breaches are complicated
Dr Sheepenstein
also Tim is absolutely a great big ho
I'm actually hopeful/interested if Maggie/Sweeney stuff develops, it might be a gateway to more time with Tim. That may be wishful thinking, but we'll see
Dr Sheepenstein
I'd be super down for it if it does end up going that way 8D i love Sweeney
I would love the excuse. Tim is one of those characters I enjoy, but could never put the pieces together. No matter if it's as a Warden or interpersonal, I expect something to develop with Maggie, so I'm confident we can work it out
2 of Maggie's favorite people, she supports them getting to know each other
The most awkward combination
Maggie absolutely adores Tim, he's so on the same wavelength as her that things feel easy with him in the best possible way. He played a big part in her starting to feel at home on the Barge
she likes Hunter a lot but feels like she really fucked up with him at the end and made him doubt her motivations
she knows he does have other support systems and sincerely hopes he gets everything he needs to actually trust people
Dr Sheepenstein
Ptriciadactyl Tim doesn't remember literally, laughcries the last time he fell in with someone in a way that's felt this natural and easy, and he didn't realise how much he missed having that dynamic with someone where there's no history or strings attached and it's so good
Dr Sheepenstein
she fills a very specific like, socioromantic slot as his peer and she gets him and she's nice and clever and there's this core of steel in her that he adores. he cares about her so much
Taylor on Hunter: Smart af but with one biiiig brainrot, love the drive and energy level, would be cute if he'd cut that hair
Taylor on Tim: Brother in dumbassery
Dr Sheepenstein
I could write a whole essay on Tim's social dynamics with his CR here
Dr Sheepenstein
and funnily enough Hunter has like. no real negative thoughts as to how they parted as a pairing. it was a perfectly reasonable action as a person in power over him to take, he just objects to not being the one in power and having her put the onus of choice on him like she would just share everything anyway (like he would in her position)
Dr Sheepenstein
Dr Sheepenstein
also I love how they've managed to evolve from "Tim is genuinely threatened by her existence in relation to his" to "Tim will now kill/die for Taylor"
Their road has been so good.
Dr Sheepenstein
two-ish years of growth, if you include Flotilla
And the most she'd do to make Hunter cut his hair is turn up with scissors and offer.
Dr Sheepenstein
he's mostly stopped wearing a hood since he, got the cloak from Trevor so the hair hasn't been an issue, but if someone gave him clippers he probably would. bc why else would he receive them except as a pointed passive aggressive message
Lady Stardust
Iris thinks Tim is a wonderful addition to her family, Eiffel is a delight and she has no real feelings about Hunter except it's nice to have a bunch of teenagers on board
Dr Sheepenstein
Lady Stardust tim adores iris, she's everything he wants to be when he's her age an old grandpa. eiffel likes her a lot but isn't quite as confident in that bc he's still a bit bewildered by her force of presence
Lady Stardust
that's fair, she does find him adorable but also a bit of a wet hen
Norton likes Tim a lot, and likes that he has some sharp edges (but is also wary for the same reason). So Tim breaking up with him was a needed metaphorical kick in the face, and being on the enclosed community of the barge means he has to deal with it instead of his usual post-break-up strategy of largely never seeing or talking to each other again.
And also as Norton's flailing about trying to work out how he might exist as a not-terrible inmate-y person, and what that might look like for him, Tim is one of the people he's observing as a...not exactly role model but, like, there are some wardens Norton looks at and things "that's not me and could never be me, i could never be like that." And some
like Tim and Alec that Norton looks at and thinks that that's closer to something he can reasonable strive for.