illin' klorvus
name a canon and i'll tell you what i've learned about it from RP!
Icarian Habits
The Scion TTRPG system (Bash's '"'"canon'"'")
illin' klorvus
Icarian Habits : uhhhh okay from outside of RP i know that the children of gods? like demigods? which is confirmed by bash. i also know it is NOT automatically cyberpunk. and...there's magic.
illin' klorvus
Icarian Habits
That's it, that's the game.
illin' klorvus
demigods, not cyberpunk, magic. PERFECT
🎃 కᨶꪖꪹꪗ ꪑꪖꪹꪗ 🎃
illin' klorvus
🎃 కᨶꪖꪹꪗ ꪑꪖꪹꪗ 🎃 : okokok i know it's got vampires, werewolves, magic/witches, and....demons? yes? maybe? and that most people are only one of those things but hybrids do exist sometimes. vampires can have children...and be in the sun? TVD and the originals are in the same universe, i'm pretty sure, and i know some character names from those from older rp
illin' klorvus
i'd heard of klaus mikaelson, caroline...something, damon and stefan salvatore, elena...gil...bert? also elena has like an evil twin or something
illin' klorvus
other than the sun thing vampires are reasonably typical of the genre. speed and strength, lots of shitty violent internal politics, keep it a secret, need human blood (exclusively?) same with werewolves. i know from hope that magic most resembles harry potter without wands (i.e. usually a single latin word and maybe a gesture)
🎃 కᨶꪖꪹꪗ ꪑꪖꪹꪗ 🎃
I really love this
illin' klorvus
klaus mikaelson will fuck up a motherfucker for coming near his daughter
illin' klorvus
stefan and damon are 85% manpain by volume
I'm going to turn around and give you Penumbra Podcast (Peter's canon) but will totally understand if the answer is "shrug emoji"
illin' klorvus
elena is very sweet but her evil twin is very spicy
illin' klorvus
ltmutiny : peter does play it VERY close to the chest lmao. i get the sense it's like a supernatural spooky genre thing? that...honestly might be all i've got
illin' klorvus
i get the sense peter isn't...a protagonist
haha, Peter does not talk about himself a bunch this is true
and we haven't had that many threads. But it true, Peter is not the protagonist. (It's actually sci-fi noir as a genre....but he's very tied up with Jon Sims who IS from supernatural spooky world)
illin' klorvus
okay, noir vibes is probably where i got spooky from! i don't really Get noir, generally. but yeah peter gives me vibes like he's an enigmatic character who's neither really protag or antag but he does give the protags assistance at important moments, always for his own reasons
Sombra is not helpful at all but!! What do u know about Overwatch from her and also Cassidy ig
I don't remember if you’ve played overwatch before or not
black sails if you haven't seen I forgot
illin' klorvus
augyyyyy : I have seen all of black sails! It’s been awhile but enough that I don’t think I’ve gotten anything rp specific
illin' klorvus
I’ll do over watch later cause I’m on my phone now
illin' klorvus
opal : okay i know some about overwatch because i have friends who are super into it, BUT i know cassidy used to be mccree but he was like, named after some sex pest on the dev team so they changed it, i know there are factions that are at war? overwatch is the good guys and there's some other dudes, i know there's a large lesbian with pink hair
illin' klorvus
there's also a small fast lesbian
illin' klorvus
there's a reasonable amount of diversity in race, gender, and sexuality among the cast
illin' klorvus
i know overwatch is a team-based map-based combat game, roughly in the vein of team fortress 2
illin' klorvus
and all of its actual lore and character building is from out-of-game sources
Yeah that's basically it
If u want overwatch lore you have to BLEED for it
And dig into comics and short stories and animatics and shit
Overwarch are the "good guys" and Talon are the "bad guys" bc they're the main antagonists/terror organization and Talon is uh who Sombra works for... technically......
Also technically she doesn't super give a shit and is using them for the resources for her own personal goals
illin' klorvus
ohhh that's fun, is she playable or can you only play overwatches
She's playable! There's like 6 or so Talon agents you can play
She is by far my most played hero, unsurprisingly lmao