From the BPOE Elks Grand Lodge
Local Elks Lodges throughout the United States, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Panama Canal will celebrate Flag Day on June 14, 2022. The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks is the only fraternal organiza tion to require a formal observance of Flag Day.
In July of 1908, the Elks’ Grand Lodge provided for the annual nation wide observance of Flag Day on the 14th of June each year, making it
mandatory for each subordinate Lodge in the Order. June 14 was offi cially established as Flag Day by a proclamation by President Wood row Wilson in 1916. Flag Day was not a national observance until
1949—President Harry Truman, himself an Elks member, was inspired
through his Lodge in Independence Missouri, to sign an act of Con gress that dedicated June 14 to the symbol of our country.
That's most interesting. Thanks for the history lesson. And well done!
say, Grace#🟦