might hit up dream meme, might not, idk I'm kind of bad about dreams but most are probably memories but a little to the left, and also, like, all that shit from the crossroads with astarion. jfc. maybe there's stuff with lyrium anxieties and like. frogetting and amnesic stuff
I just have been meaning to Do Something with the slumber post and maybe if I hit up people he hasn't talked to... (I say hitting up only people he's talked to so far bc that's easiest to brain but I WILL tag other people /shakes fist)
also tagging jude back like reminding myself that sometime at some point in this game I will give mobi an anchor shard and he is going to be a certain Mood about it
also mmmmmight go on the marcus hunt if there's still not much in the way of signups tomorrow. now I have to decide if mobius is aware of the reputation this guy has
he's not quite petty enough that he'd decide let him hang (or whatever is going to be done to him), but boy it sure would make him pause. on the other hand, security liability, and...wants to know if these 'templars' are really templars or not. he'd feel. responsible? in a way?
his ex-temp status is still mostly a down low thing but given the usefulness of the skillset I always suggest the highest of up would be aware of it. tho he might suggest that he's more someone who was actively in the chantry rather than specifically templaring to others. until a fight breaks out maybe
oh ho ho meanwhile I got a comment back about something (basic, really, but might throw something together for it) about the nightmare alley we're in so that's a thing
he is tho