josh strife hayes takes apart diablo immortal
Did you see his update to it?
sʜsʟ ɪᴠᴀʟɪᴄᴇ
oh frick yeah update >:3c
True Do-Crimer
Every time I think Diablo Immortal couldn't get worse, it somehow does
True Do-Crimer
The Legendary / Eternal Legendary thing infuriates me to no end. I know gatcha games are designed to be opaque and predatory, but leave it to Blizzard to find a way to go above and beyond
621st Raven
it's like they're trying to make a gacha so bad that the others look saintly in comparison
Jeff Laguna
Ah, but that's the final sleight of hand
Jeff Laguna
Since you have to grab and turn the key yourself, it's "not a lootbox"; since there's gameplay between purchase and payout it's "not a gacha", which is just, guh. This is the corruption that ruins any economic system, not just capitalism
the punchline to this is that apparently in some countries they straight up can't release it because it violates anti lootbox/gambling rules lol
all that runaround for nothing
Jeff Laguna
Oh, it's not for nothing since they're still fleecing the US
yeah but their attempts to be like TECHNICALLY it's not gambling did not pass muster
True Do-Crimer
Honestly, it's not even about fleecing the US, it's about fleecing China since these types of things are big over there
621st Raven
ah yes
621st Raven
China, who actiblizz has been demonstrably buddy-buddy with
Jeff Laguna
ah yes