27: What is their biggest regret? god...the one that digs at her most at the moment is "not communicating with your goddamn husband before you fuckin died", though they do share that fuckup at least. all of the guilt tied up in Phoenix Shit isn't exactly regret because she'd do it again
33: Concept of home and family? Jean is one of the FEW X-Men who came from a stable and loving home, and that definitely informs her perspective and her standards, but I think she's felt a certain distance ever since Annie, and certainly since Phoenix
She's very grateful to have them, and they'll always be a part of her family, but the mansion has always been where she felt most comfortable and most herself
she definitely holds (deserving) birth family and found family pretty equal, in how important they are, and charles is as much a father to her as john grey is. was. (she doesn't know about that)
36: What makes them feel guilty? D'BARI, not being there to save her sister (or protect her niece and nephew), madelyne, losing precious time with rachel because it freaked her out so much, not being Strong Enough in various circumstances, ripping into Emma's mind because she lost her temper
35: What activities do they enjoy, but consider to be a waste of time? Jean has this trick where she uses her telekinesis to do a hobby like sewing and says it's about practising fine control
she has a harder time justifying, like, a cheesy movie night. she loves those, but can only arrange it if she's like "we definitely all need a break, for strategy reasons, POPCORN TIME"
Chinchilla Zest
22: Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen? twelve: ridiculously complex equations, doodles of friends/foes/pets, improvised sheet music
or trolling guards