duck bastard
[arknights] .....so apparently gamepress articles are notoriously stupid, i'm learning today.

duck bastard
this snippet is from a rhines labs article

duck bastard
................please note this from the wiki

✧ 𝚍𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚎 ✧
uuuuhhhh lol? apparently they don't read enough?

I am confused about what's being said here

duck bastard
The gamepress article is trying to claim that the male characters have more lore than the female characters, on an article for a group called Rhine Lab

duck bastard
In Arknights, almost every single character we have seen from Rhine Lab - whether as recruitable or a NPC - has been female

Are you sure that's not because people huperfocus on the guys

The girls always have plenty of lore, maybe even more so, depending on if they get a future event

duck bastard
One of the Primary Things we know about Rhine Lab is an incident that involves half of the recruitable list (Ifrit, Saria, Silence)

duck bastard
it's just /annoyed gesturing

Like Mephisto is a bad example since he's a Main Story Guy

So even if you miss out on events, you get the gist from playing Main Story. While they split up faction stories so they hype it up for the FOMO inducing event

mephisto vs rosmontis as far as lore is such a bad comparison too

duck bastard

rosmontis was added to the cast way later than mephisto

duck bastard
there could be an interesting comparison on their stories re: revenge and attachment BUT ALSO STILL NOT THE SAME

and [mephisto spoiler foghorns]

✧ 𝚍𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚎 ✧
yeah, like... we definitely got more lores from the female operators than male?

✧ 𝚍𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚎 ✧
like a lot more before male operators are more common... is the writer more into CN? because CN is releasing a lot of male operators now. but that doesn't mean they've more lore

Like our most recent global example...

Corroserum came out. Does he appear in the event? No