Boo To You
character sexualities
Boo To You
Peter - Officially, it pains me to say that he is one of the only Marvel characters where Word of God explicitly said he's not allowed to be anything other than straight, but screw the rules, I have headcanon!
Boo To You
he has had way too many bromances to be 100% het
Boo To You
in games, I've played him off of both male and female partners, but he's never had time to give himself a label, other than an initial moment of Gay Panic at the beginning
Boo To You
ultimately, I like the idea of Peter being demisexual - the gender doesn't really matter, but he has to trust them and be bonded to them emotionally first
Boo To You
in canon, he's always been friends/acquaintances with his partners first
Boo To You
and the one time he had a one night stand, it was super awkward and he ended up losing a relatively new friendship
when did he have a one-night stand?
Boo To You
according to his Wiki, it was with a family friend the night of May's wedding
Boo To You
and there was alcohol involved
Boo To You
so I guess to TL;DR it - Peter needs to have an emotional connection before sex, gender doesn't super matter, but he's only been with women because Heteronormative Society /shrug
Boo To You
then in his games, he's opened up to relationships with men