[meme] character sexualities!
quick note that with a few exceptions, I play everyone as bisexual to some degree, bc I personally am bi and it's just more fun for me to have that
Leon leans more toward women than men! he already had his awakening a long time ago and has long come to terms with it. he and Ada still have Something going on, and I imagine any other relationships with anyone else would not last very long bc of that
Percy likes both men and women about equally! he doesn't really react badly to Tary declaring that he's the type of man Tary would like to marry someday, so I imagine the crush was at least on some level a bit mutual. it wouldn't have gone anywhere of course but. yanno there it is
he's happily married to Vex so he's not gonna act on any attraction to anyone else, but he will be flattered if somebody shows attraction to him no matter what gender they are
Aloy leans more towards women than men, especially warrior-type women. she's the type of person who's attracted to fighting prowess, especially if the one showing off is an Amazon-type, and would also show off for someone if she was attracted to them
that being said, she's often pretty focused on something that isn't romantic, so she tends to not respond to being flirted with very often. she'll even outright turn somebody down if they press too hard
for her, I think her goal of saving the world weighs on her mind more than any romance she could possibly have
Richie is gay, at least in the movie verse. he likes to joke that he's fucked people's moms and as an adult he has terrible girlfriend jokes, but those are ghostwritten and he doesn't actually. have one.
he's only ever shown attraction to people of the same gender - Eddie is the biggest example, but he also had a crush on Connor Bowers too
he just.......also grew up in Derry so he overcompensates and pretends he's straight as a defense so he doesn't get bullied or worse