//Even if we have more access to different opinions about democracy and other political topics we don't talk about it that much because we will get in trouble//
Glasgow University told us: "As well as language assistance, the university offers international students a host of dedicated services, from practical and academic advice and guidance, to health and wellbeing support, from pre-departure right through to graduation and beyond."
PSW是給來英國讀碩士,之後可留英工作兩年,讀博的話,之後可留英工作三年,我校也有提供咨詢去申請 ,PSW後能換上工作簽5年,最後可以申請英藉成為公民
//Even if we have more access to different opinions about democracy and other political topics we don't talk about it that much because we will get in trouble//
想交朋友但不知如何溝通,那很明顯是他們的問題,不知道就去學,沒有人天生就會,所以為什麼被認為 Chinese 是 study machine 讀書機器,是因為不會思考,只有人家告訴你,你才去做
格拉斯哥還有 language assistant,我這邊都沒有,他們從出發前到畢業都有支援