on hiatus
https://images.plurk.com/7tQBXiEEr2opQVPktQL2oN.jpg The saddest boy in existence, it is him.
on hiatus
So deprived of sleep by his heartless parents!!
on hiatus
(Zippy wakes us up at like 4am if we don't make him stay awake for a few hours before bedtime)
One Winged
poor boy in the cone of shame
on hiatus
Yep. He attacks his tail whenever stressed, and he's very much been stressed this week, sob.
on hiatus
I'm hoping we'll be able to take it back off in a week or so
oh no baby
on hiatus
Our sweet old man
🐚 Rui 🐙
yeah... unfortunately he has a neurologic thing where he attacks his tail if he's stressed, and unfortunately last week he got to it and today i kinda cleaned it up a bit
🐚 Rui 🐙
regardless, sad loaf who hasn't slept a wink in days is hilarious
🐚 Rui 🐙
(exaggerating obv)
on hiatus