Mouth Powers
plot with me for June?
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also thread commentary bc I feel like it
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Gonou: Jedao doesn't need a KILLER for a friend
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Jedao: I feel like I've somehow failed to communicate that I met my only pre-barge friend when they were stranded on my ship after a failed attempt to assassinate me specifically
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Jedao is trucking along, still a good lad, trying to learn more about earth to understand Flint better
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feeling a little shy lately but he's still trying
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will I ever finish this Tik-Tok app? who knows
Mrs Sheepie
luckily he has an """expert""" on earth media on his side 8D
but Jedao is a good person and therefore deserves better than Gonou, also Gonou is a monster and therefore doesn't deserve friends, QED
warden inmate bonding
(I have no particular suggestions other than Moar Threads for June, although I do love that "someone manages to inflict horrible injury on Jedao, Gonou carefully gives the 'corpse' his limiter earcuffs and inflicts some horrible injury on them with his claws and teeth before Jedao stumbles back to his feet and goes, huh, what the fuck" scenario)
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ooooh dang
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a lot of conflicting feelings there
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god though now I desperately want, someday
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for Jedao to have the full info about the ear cuffs and
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Gonou can feed him but only if he also lends him the cuffs
oh man, if the limiters actually worked on Jedao as well
speaking of conflicting feelings!!
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Mouth Powers
I think Jedao would mostly just be grumpy about vengeance shredding as long as gonou didn't lie to him about it when he started to figure it out
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although SOMEDAY I do want gonou to see jedao just loose his shit and go terminator on someone/something
god, having to face letting jedao see his youkai form would be very hard for him -- to him, that's like. the physical embodiment of all the reasons he's monstrous/terrible/good for nothing but violence/etc
(though also he would not try to lie in the least about vengeance shredding. he'd just be the "i thought you were never coming home ever so i panicked" dog about it)
Mouth Powers
why is that cute
sorry about the viscera but that guy blew your head off, so
I want things and stuff... more video games? More tofu? (Me actually tagging J back when I hopefully stop sucking tomorrow....)
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oh my god only 19 plot points left to go in this app
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Mouth Powers
SLAMS DOWN a fuckin 7K app like
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gandalf with an ancient tome or something
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فك يو TRULY please feel free to skip the history section as though it were a wiki, I ONLY bothered to write all this shit because I feel like it is CRUCIAL FILE INFORMATION for the unluckiest warden
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and I damn well wasn't going to try to write it twice
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but the unabridged monster is not really app necessary
فك يو
NOTED but also you've got me curious
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read until your brain starts leaking with "well this is LESS satirical post-trump" and then skim lmao
(the book itself is quite inexpensive on Amazon, it turns out!!)
ooooh, maybe I'll pick it up when June's check comes in... though I'm supposed to be saving most of my pocket money towards helping the kids' move in January, b/c inflation (bs, it's not inflation, it's rampant price gouging) is killing their finances and they're really worried about affording to move
(also very interesting; the general vibe I'm getting is, "Ray Bradbury and Kurt Vonnegut did a shit ton of acid and co-wrote a novel about robots")
LOL, that sure sounds like A Thing
فك يو
shockingly it is not available at my public library or in the interlibrary loan system, which means literally no library in the state carries a copy
same! Which is why I had to buy it
and I have library accounts in two different states, so Ohio and Arizona both could not provide
فك يو
daaaaaaamn. this is perhaps the third book in however many years i've encountered this issue with
فك يو
isabelle coming in with the obscurest of the obscure
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I DID pick this up at a second hand bookshop like 12 years ago
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it's not THAT obscure
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I can't stress enough that the book is both, like...absurdly kitchen sink cyberpunk, but also bleakly cynical
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there's a vicious mean-spiritedness to the whole world that helps make Tik-Tok's gleeful sadism more palatable
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but it is truly the exact opposite vibe of something kind like Goblin Emperor
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but yeah it's Blade Runner from the POV of a class traitor
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Tik-Tok is an incredible byronic/nietschean magnificent bastard villain protagonist
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and 2080s fashion is exactly as wild and bizarre as it should be
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I feel like once this app is in
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I will genuinely have both the Best Boy and the Worst Boy on the ship
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Jedao: Tik-Tok:
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what if, instead of eating, cleaning, tagging or doing ANY of the other shit I need to do
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I spend 3 hours dicking around with HTML to VERY little end
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couldn't manage to cram css for a button triggered overlay into the existing div table for the cr chart template
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but I DID get the grades to render in FUCKING CURSIVE
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possibly it is time for me to actually learn how to code divs and spans