「6 out of every 10 gun deaths are suicides.」 每10名槍支死亡中就有6人是自殺(60%) 「White men represent 73 percent of firearm suicide victims in America.」 白人男性占美國槍支自殺受害者的73% 「Four out of every 10 gun deaths are homicides.」 每10起槍擊事件中就有4起是兇殺案(40%)
「gun homicides are most prevalent in racially segregated neighborhoods with high rates of poverty.」 槍支兇殺案在貧困率高的種族隔離社區最為普遍 「Black children and teens are 14 times more likely than white children and teens of the same age to die by gun homicide.」 黑人兒童和青少年死於槍殺的可能性是同齡白人兒童和青少年的14倍。(因為他們愛鬥,一言不合就自相殘殺)
德克薩斯州2022年 【Texas now forces colleges and universities to allow guns on their campuses, lets school personnel carry guns in K–12 schools and in 2021, and has no requirement to get a permit before carrying concealed in public.】德克薩斯州現在強制學院和大學允許在校園內使用槍支,允許學校人員在 K-12 學校和 2021 年攜帶槍支,並且在公開攜帶槍支之前不需要獲得許可。
這起拉丁裔瘋小孩(Salvador Ramos)的槍殺案,全美國左媒無人去探討他生活的拉丁社區,他的父母及家庭背景(只知他殺了祖母),為何能輕易地讓他拿到不是他的註冊槍枝?
然而卑鄙無恥的 Obama 竟然趁勢謊稱導向「系統性的種族主義」及「警察改革」,跟(George Floyd)有關?
成因根本毫無關係啊!可恥的 Obama 立即開始要再次組織類似Antifa的煽動推翻美國暴力運動。
「6 out of every 10 gun deaths are suicides.」
「White men represent 73 percent of firearm suicide victims in America.」
「Four out of every 10 gun deaths are homicides.」
「Black children and teens are 14 times more likely than white children and teens of the same age to die by gun homicide.」
【Texas now forces colleges and universities to allow guns on their campuses, lets school personnel carry guns in K–12 schools and in 2021, and has no requirement to get a permit before carrying concealed in public.】德克薩斯州現在強制學院和大學允許在校園內使用槍支,允許學校人員在 K-12 學校和 2021 年攜帶槍支,並且在公開攜帶槍支之前不需要獲得許可。