Ike Neverland。
💙Application to visit Ike Neverland is open NOW💙

Today is the first day to sign-up for the celebration in Ike Neverland!
We will be accepting applications from 5/28 to 6/8.

The guardians only accept guests WITH appointments, and we look forward to seeing you in Ike Neverland!

IkeEveland Luxiem IkeNeverland
Ike Neverland。
◆ System maintenance time
6/2, 21:00-23:00 system temp. closed, 23:00 system resume.
6/7, 晚上22:00-00:00 system temp. closed, 6/8 00:00 system resume.

◆ Application Deadline
6/8, 12 pm
Ike Neverland。
Organizer: utahime
Ike Neverland。
Guardian members:
兔子 MrRabbit
一祚 yuukosan
優萱 iamritai2001
小v vicky830115
Suou Hibiki
蟲蟲 chuufly
日夜 mycloth
蜻蜓 tondo
挪挪子 Norseland
Ike Neverland。
KV illustrator c5h10yuki
small card illustrator meow_nightcat
Ike Neverland。
▶This event is organized by Taiwanese Quilldren. This is not an official project of Luxiem, NIJISANJI EN and ANYCOLOR Inc.
▶This event follows the Guidelines for Secondary Creation by ANYCOLOR Inc.
Ike Neverland。
Please contact this plurk account if you have any questions!
Ike Neverland。
Ike Neverland。
How to reserve your place by using ACCUPASS

@IKEneverland - 《A letter from Ike Neverland》 各位Quil...
Ike Neverland。