only counting games I played at least a few hours of. not counting games i watched Tina play and didn't hold the controller for more than five minutes on, like tlou and dishonored
I was so bad at video games back in the day, they were so hard!!! imagine me in high school, desperately trying to play kingdom hearts so I could have friends and getting lost for a year in hollow bastion ๐
oh I also played professor layton games on DS. various pokey mans. i loved donkey kong on my gameboy color. i also had this alice in wonderland game on there that was really hard (all games were SO HARD BACK IN THE DAY, you can't convince me otherwise)
for the longest time i got discouraged and thought games weren't fun so when they started regularly making easy mode and i started playing stuff and actually enjoying it after college-ish, that was nice
- NieR:A and NieR remake
- Persona 5
- Portal 1
- Pokemon silver, maybe? I'm not sure
- twewy, which isn't on here!!