“The most important thing for me about this show is these two women [Villanelle and Eve] and their relationship with each other, and how in each other they found their missing piece, and through that relationship became more whole,” says showrunner Laura Neal, who joined the show in 2019 and became the lead writer for the final season.
then, that AMC Networks was interested — “Eve” sits on the spectrum with “Breaking Bad” and “Better Call Saul” in its overall themes: Eve reinvented herself as a killer, while Villanelle reconsidered whether she wanted to keep killing.
“Eve’s journey was a little more cyclical than ‘Breaking Bad,’” suggests Neal. “She was discovering elements of herself that she has struggled to liberate. The journey of the show is unleashing those elements, taking them to an extreme and re-centering herself. [“Bad’s”] Walter White didn’t have so much of that re-centering.”
Comer absorbed that message personally. “Through [Villanelle] I had to really shake off my awareness of what people think,” she says. “I had to really be fearless in my decision-making. She literally apologizes for nothing. I probably say ‘sorry’ 30 times a day. But I think she’s made me freer as a person.”
In the end, though, four seasons was the limit for Villanelle and Eve’s journey. AMC’s McDermott says they were “open” to a “longer story,” which might be good news for the rumors of a spinoff, perhaps focused more on Shaw’s Carolyn.
But Gentle insists if it’s to happen, “it’s a long way off.”
“Crying like a baby,” says the Liverpool-born Comer. “I’m highly emotional.”
But Gentle insists if it’s to happen, “it’s a long way off.”
AMC想要出衍伸劇(卡姨)、而LN的錯估VE本質還拿了另一部神劇做致敬(對照?),KE是獨特的,已有一席之地,不需要拿另一部劇集做WHAT IF,這點LN真的錯很大。
Benedict Cumberbatch也去看了Prima Facie了?