[mental health/existential crisis] packing is not going well for several reasons
1&2) It's a lot and it's overwhelming and I have no one to help me for the first time. I've moved several times but I always had help (parents, friends) but this time I've got no one and that's just upsetting on another level
3) I've lived here for eight years. I don't do well with change. At all. It takes me a VERY long time to adjust to the idea of change and I've been too busy with school to process moving to another city
So now my brain is trying to process the idea of moving in twelve days and it's too much all at once.
4) I've lived here for eight years. This is the end of a HUGE part of my life and I don't know how to deal with that.
5) I don't know where I'm going. I'm staying with my parents for a few weeks, and then friends while I apartment hunt, and then...??? I have no end destination. This terrifies me.
So every time I try to pack or even make a plan to do so I just have a meltdown
I am Not Doing Well right now