You're Quinner
picrossers lend me your power, nonograms katana is hard
You're Quinner
You're Quinner
I cannot discern any possible move from here
You're Quinner
this is the last 20x15 puzzle
You're Quinner
I've confirmed that I'm in a valid state
You're Quinner
so I know I don't have to roll back, but
You're Quinner
cannot deduce further
Where Is Harkan
Where Is Harkan
The picture is clearly a bear
Where Is Harkan
So I dunno if I can guarantee any moves but I can infer some shit
dragon time
The bottom row of the middle third there
You're Quinner
the bottom row is already done?
dragon time
You can fill it out and get places from there
dragon time
Of the middle third
You're Quinner
I do not know what that means
dragon time
oh wait I see one of the bits is already filled in disregard what I said
dragon time
This is hard!
You're Quinner
these go up to 80 spaces wide and that terrifies me
You're Quinner
konami pixel puzzle collection capped at 15x15 like a civilized game for babies
dragon time
What I meant was that the sections are divided into thirds and the lowest row of the third in the middle looked like it could be filled out (I was wrong)
You're Quinner
it's divided into fourths though
You're Quinner
or oh are you disregarding the rightmost fourth
You're Quinner
because it's finished
vertically it's thirds
You're Quinner
oh the VERTICLE middle third
You're Quinner
You're Quinner
you know what hang on
dragon time
Ok I think I got it
You're Quinner
You're Quinner
dragon time
i don't actually know how to picross so im looking at this
dragon time
Column b6, that stray dot can't be a one because there's no place to put a two if it is
dragon time
B6 A8
dragon time
The weak point
You're Quinner
You're Quinner
so B6A11 must be a dot
You're Quinner
it was not a bear
You're Quinner
Where Is Harkan
dragon time