HEY ARTIST FRIENDS what's your favorite photoshop brushes.
I have paint shop pro. it it can import photoshop brush files so. gimme lynx if u got 'e. or just tell me the ones u like best!!!!!
also fonts!!!!! I used to fucking love playing with fonts
a ghost
not at all sure how these brushes will translate into PSP, but the one i use the most is Penzel Washington by ericanthonyj, it's the perfect pencil for me. don't think you can get it individually, it's in this mega bundle:
Photoshop CC Brushes - MEGA BUNDLE
a ghost
a ghost
obligatory Kyle Webster mention, but his stuff's proprietary to Adobe now. he's still got some freebies up though
Kyle T Webster
penzel washington.
a ghost
a ghost
a ghost
i seriously can't use another pencil brush without wishing i were using PW, it is The One
is it at least partially placebo effect because of the name, because if so, I understand completely.
a ghost
my new tablort arrives tomorrow i'm excited
can't wait to plug it in and stare at a blank screen for a couple hours