politics-related: some (or rather a lot of) people don't know how to pick people based on track record and how they really are. everything from the leading president to the leading senators in the races is exactly why we don't flourish as a country. i am dissapointed in you, my brethren.
: yeah. x3
: they're gonna only celebrate that for what a few hours in june... then cry a lot for the next 6 years if that guy really gets elected.
: Eh, I am not sure about that. We already went through 6 years of Gong Di, and people still look up to him highly. I think it'd be the same with Ngobngob.
emushibi: The stereotypes against Filipinos are justified, IMHO. Masyado lang balat sibuyas yang mga yan. They dish out stuff like "Amoy Bumbay" pero kung sila naman ang banatan, iiyak, Penoy Fried daw.
some (or rather a lot of) people don't know how to pick people based on track record and how they really are.
everything from the leading president to the leading senators in the races is exactly why we don't flourish as a country.
i am dissapointed in you, my brethren.
Faramond : they're gonna only celebrate that for what a few hours in june... then cry a lot for the next 6 years if that guy really gets elected.
fanatics, the buttlot of them. xD