St. Haint
Started TMS therapy. I'm hopeful that it helps my depression, but like....ow
St. Haint
The magnetic pulse feels like a woodpecker trying to get through my skull
St. Haint
Sessions are 20mins and I need to do them every weekday for 6weeks.
St. Haint
The technician says most people say it gets less unpleasant as you go...
St. Haint
I certainly hope so
moby d🦆ck
oh, i'm really curious to know how this goes for you! i recently had a (new) doctor recommend it to me as a possibility but i haven't really known yet what to make of it
moby d🦆ck
good luck with it!!
is there something they can give you to take the edge off? not necessarily narcotic but something light? i don't know a whole lot about tms, but i'm curious because i suffer from depression too and am always looking for more treatment options. i hope it works for you!
St. Haint
I will definitely keep people updated on how this goes!
St. Haint
They tried putting numbing spray on my head (since I don't have hair as a buffer) but that didn't seem to help. I'm gonna try taking some aleve or other pain killer next week, I think. They said it shouldn't mess it up.
Good luck, friend. I hope so much this works for you.