le tits now
[cw for pregnancy talk]
le tits now
https://images.plurk.com/7AT0S7VVIfBj2Vuu3ispuP.jpg look at this thing I peed on
le tits now
it's probably faint bc it's an early response but
loose honey
hell yeah TWO guests
le tits now
chris is in delaware this weekend and I'm gonna surpriiiiiise him
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two guests!!!
loose honey
I will bother the spawn with this their whole life.
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frog poison
congrats on reaching the lineart stage
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ty let's see if we can get this thing rendered
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le tits now
it's fuckin wild having this experience while chris isn't here lmao
gayest uncle
ahhh fingers crossed!!!!
gayest uncle
real lol at getting this thing rendered
frog poison
have you told the cats yet
le tits now
they don't care
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pippin is all up in my shit though like MOTHER YOU ARE EXCITED PLEASE TELL ME WHY
just donna
a good boy!
just donna
congratulations bud!
fleshy barbie
sibling for pippin!!!
fleshy barbie
congrats dude that's SO exciting
le tits now
ty ty ty
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gonna be RPing for two
doors that mean you need to make double ac?
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omg congrats!! 🫂
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lol my dad apparently called my sister because he was confused and though tI sent him a pic of a negative test
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I'm like dad. dad.
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I could have shown you one in person
Oh my gosh I'm so happy for you I knew you were gearing up for it
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I was!
Please give me any details and/or rants you want, I'm here
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thank you, I'm sure I will
I've been therrrrre I know the feel friendo
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I'm dreading it a little bit because now the clock is ticking and look I just hate bodily fluids. all of them
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but I was able to clean diarrhea off of pippin's very long butt fur several times without flinching so I think I'll be okay
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I'm just. excited for when they're older and can control their bowels and have conversations
Honestly once they get out of the immediate baby stage the grossness factor goes WAY down
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okay good
It's mostly just the first few months where they have diaper explosions, it's over fast
Most of that stage is a fever dream anyway
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le tits now
can't wait
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we're gonna need to figure out like. our house. situation
It gets to the point that you're like lol whatever
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probably convert the back room into kid room
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or somehow come up with millions of dollars to buy a bigger house
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you know, easy shit like that
room shuffle though!!!
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I think we manifested this by buying a new bedframe and positioning the bed so I don't have to traverse an obstacle course to get to the door when I have to pee
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it was annoying even without this extra factor
oh that will be invaluable
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now I won't trip over the cat stairs/sleeping dog/laundry basket??/misc
100% unobstructed path to the toilet needed
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yeah that was my main argument for why we needed the change
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I'm like you can drag your feet but that only increases the chances of me barfing on you
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chris is a good boy tho he'll be excited
barfing is thankfully common but not absolute
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both my mom and sister got really sick for both pregnancies, the odds are not in my favor
yeah it's v. heriditary
christmas treej
holy shit CONGRATS
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le tits now
I will need to figure out how to navigate this with anemia
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guzzling iron pills ig
i already screamed at u but been happy all morning for u!!!!!!!!!!
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le tits now
just realized tha tassuming all goes well this kid is probably gonna be a capricorn
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is this my punishment for hanging out with k2 and abby too much
frantic banjos
fingers crossed!! however odd the timing is to discover this at least you're not in the middle of filming a reality show all about how you want to ditch your boyfriend
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le tits now
I even used the same brand of test as april but I'm not going to cryptically throw the empty box at him
frantic banjos
there is no weird altar now awaiting you in a giant empty barn/airplane hangar
frantic banjos
lol god i forgot about april's too
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le tits now
chris knows better than to propose to me
frantic banjos
especially not in a cowboy hat, i hope
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I would disavow all knowledge of him
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the only acceptable hat would be a foam cheese one from wisconsin
fleshy barbie
senza verdura 🌿
aaaaaaaaa congrats!!
senza verdura 🌿
wait i'm a capricorn, congrats withdrawn (no)
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le tits now
I don't actually think much of astrology but I do like dunking on capricorns
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a few months ago I was doing it to scorpios so it's only fair
senza verdura 🌿
hahaha i'm not an astrology person either, i was just like "waaaaait"
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senza verdura 🌿
may ur mini-me be a sagittarius
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Aelwyn Abernant a full day later and Hope I'm still haunted by your use of the word "fecund"
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switching to tea for my morning beverage and already regretting it. I'll get used to it but ugggh headdd
coffee is cool if you have like, 1 cup a day
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I do usually
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I'm maybe erring a little on the overly careful side just bc I'm older, idk if it matters
totally up to you
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my mom says it's what she did too, we're built very similarly, maybe it's a paranoia thing but it feels right lol
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not based in science but won't hurt anything either way
loose honey
addict the sprout early
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seems legit will do
Aelwyn Abernant
Flawless fecundity
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well not. not flawless
frog poison
i hear if you swap to monster energy your kid comes out doing a kickflip
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are you suggesting this is desirable
frog poison
someone has to succeed tony hawk
hang in there with the caffeine withdrawal!!
the times i've gone off of it I've been like "boy howdy this is in fact a drug and i am addicted to it"
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I think I'm actually pretty much adjusted now, I still have a little headache but it's not too bad
le tits now
I only drank one cup a day anyway so cutting down wasn't too bad
well good
wooof that's why I never quit the withdrawal is such a beast