I watched the Jimmy Savile documentary. One theory is that he did so much good to counter off all the bad he did, so that he could go to heaven as he was a religious Catholic. Got me thinking did it work? In our asian beliefs, everyone sins so when you die- you go to hell/purgatory to atone your sins. The worse the sin, the deeper the level of hell
the harsher and longer the punishment before you get to heaven. It's just a thought, I don't know much about Catholicism. I am certain no god would let something like he did unpunished but it just got me wondering hypothetically.
he’ll need to spend a long time in purgatory. I also don’t know much about Catholicism, and feel Catholics seem in some ways to have brought their purgatory with them into this life.
Jimmy Saville was a very slimy individual. He used to come to our village every year for the Gala. I hated the feel of him and the bling he wore, and his smile. But we had no idea he was an evil child molester, and because of his great public image and good works, at the time I felt you had to forgive him the sliminess.
catholicism is very forgiving. but im not sure if it's catholicism or the catholics themselves. there's always the chance of being a non-believer your whole life then getting anointed on your deathbed, would still get you a pass to heaven apparently.
i think it's only people who condemn others to hell, while the family of these "others" think they are in heaven. there are all sorts of available ways to go to heaven anyway.
there's always the chance of being a non-believer your whole life then getting anointed on your deathbed, would still get you a pass to heaven apparently.