Princess Emily
[possible ff14 spoilers idk shit about new ff14 stuff] people who know ff14 is this funny:
Princess Emily
Princess Emily
also I don't know anything about who this character is but I feel called out, just like by the vibes
Yotsuyu is... complicated
Lesbian Manowar
it's funny in an extremely dark way yeah
Lesbian Manowar
villain, partially redeemed through mem loss, gets memory back and goes on a tear, you gotta strike her down unfortunately despite her progress is like, the essential gist
Lesbian Manowar
she definitely deserved her chance
Lesbian Manowar
at least i think she deserved a chance
she becomes a primal force of bloody vengeance and I'm off in the background going 'slay queen'
Princess Emily
she deserves the world
Quinnfernal primal vengeance form
Lesbian Manowar
she also gets to redacted her awful brother at least
Lesbian Manowar
who was the catalyst for why she tossed her chance at redemption away
Lesbian Manowar
the song that plays during that fight always makes me cry i have to mute it
Lesbian Manowar
one of the mechanics is fighting the guilt in her conscience and it's like, cool, thanks, i'm sad
She gets to stab her whole family and she deserves that chance
in order to fuel her magic, she summons a bunch of phantoms of people who wronged her to indulge in her own despair
and during it her tragic adoptive father figure also shows up as a phantom to protect her from them
and she's like "this isn't right, this isn't what I wanted, why do I remember any kindness"
as like, the mid-fight phase transition
Lesbian Manowar
it's a mercy killing
Lesbian Manowar
the new ultimate involves saving a beloved dead character but the events that play out in the fight shows changing history isnt a great idea and him living fucks up a lot of the timeline badly and you gotta just let him go and let history be
Lesbian Manowar
so the joke is we could go back and save her too
Princess Emily
hmm it seems worth it
Princess Emily
then again I've played Life Is Strange and I chose Chloe every time so
Lesbian Manowar
playing a lesbian wol who hates having to fight/hurt women unless it's Necessary or they're one of the fascists this fight absolutely hurts every time
I think there's pretty good evidence that going Tsukuyomi was pretty much suicide for Yotsuyu especially since she doesn't possess the echo and can't really SURVIVE going primal
Also she does it in front of the person who is known for slaying primals
suicide by cop, so to speak
Lesbian Manowar
main tanking it, which is like, my bread and butter means she's usually focused on me anytime i get the fight and its like, fuck, taking all her brunt
Princess Emily
But yeah her whole thing is like
At the end of the day she decides she isn't worth redemption
Lesbian Manowar
this is a good game if you like crying and giving your wol oc ptsd
Zilla Fieri
I, personally, didn't like Yotsuyu's redemption arc, but that pic is pretty funny
Princess Emily
you, with the display name Morally Gay,,,
Zilla Fieri
Zilla Fieri
There are parts of it I like, but only certain parts
Zilla Fieri
One of which does not include how it completely shafts one of my favorite characters from that entire expansion
go тo вread
Yeah agreed, I only partially like it too.
a thing to remember is that it's also mirroring another redemption arc in another place that's going on at the same time. it makes me super sad to think about yotsuyu, but remembering that fordola is her narrative foil at that point of story makes it a little less pointless feeling
Lesbian Manowar
i love fordola and will never shut up about her
she is the dark side of that situation, where you can't escape the weight of what you did and it drowns you, while fordola is the same situation but she decides to keep going and do what she can to atone
Lesbian Manowar : hard agree
Lesbian Manowar
yeah she's extremely also ready to just be like "yeah people will likely hate me, ill just have to live with it, thats consequence, they can choose to forgive, i cant make them"
Lesbian Manowar
i play a heavily ala mhigan wol who would have likely known fordola and i want to write them like, having a talk post endwalker
The post-war Stormblood I really liked in general because of how open-eyed it is with redemption and that true redemption is beyond many, and if you achieve it it requires you to do so much to even grasp a hint of it
And also how colonization just. Fucking sucks for everyone