Ceejay Writer
Today's baking project, main ingredient courtesy of my organic back yard. Yum!
Dandelion Cupcakes with Lemon Buttercream Frosting
Ceejay Writer
Turned out to be a day where I had too much on my to-do list and was also super tired, so I put off making these until tomorrow. I have the petals all cleaned up and ready to go, though.
You have blooming dandelions? I have leaves, but no blooms. Going to have a ton of mullein if you need any.
Ceejay Writer
They just started blooming a few days ago. Not a TON of them, but I did pick every single one of them to get about two cups of petals.
Ceejay Writer
I appreciate the offer! Does mullein dry well? I might keep a little around for myself - Ken needs to be careful with such things, he's on so many medications from blood thinners through the gamut of heart meds and a few bonus drugs just to keep life interesting.
It does dry well. We always had tons of it since Momma swore by it. She would lose her everloving mind at our yard. Great aunt swore by it in poultices for bruises. Momma put it in steam pots for congestion. She used to joke about smoking it. I THINK she was joking. You never knew.
Great aunt talked about the time she was sucked up into a tornado and was just one huge bruise by the time it dropped her, she said the mullein broke them up. Have found no studies on that use. May have been the moist heat rather than the herb, but you know family lore.
Ceejay Writer
I'm convinced I need mullein to dry and keep handy - I'm very clumsy and always dealing with a bruise or ten.