dragon time
would my characters fall for a ligma joke?
dragon time
Alice gets got most of the time but will get you back if she sees it coming which has a 5% chance of happening and is absolutely brutal because you've been owned by an idiot
Princess Emily
what's-- /shot
dragon time
Minako will get got very easily but thinks it's hilarious
dragon time
Bulat will see it coming but let you get him because he's a good sport
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Salvezra doesn't even get it after you say the punchline "no, I must clarify - tell me what ligma balls are. I have not heard of them"
dragon time
Iseul is the same as Minako
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Princess is cunning but has a limited amount of life experience in these matters. You won't get her with the same one twice and if you get her she'll be so mad she'll pretend you don't exist
dragon time
Empress Bechamel hates these jokes because she always falls for them and reacts with violence.
Princess Emily
.....Kali would definitely spring them too
dragon time
MalVal gets got on a 50-50 basis and when she does she goes into preformative despair
dragon time
That's why they're the power couple, Emily
dragon time
Party Satan invented the Ligma Joke
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They don't make any in the campaign because they sealed it away for being too powerful
dragon time
God what if I'd made that their final ult
dragon time
The Orderlord takes 300 psychic damage from shame
Princess Emily
oh my god
Doge-lover Joja
Jokes are the deepest Lore -Kinoko Nasu