Applications close tomorrow at 9PM EST! Acceptances will be sent out throughout the day and the OOC & Plotting Post will go up at 9 PM EST!
Tad Cooper
The applications page says the 30th. Am I on the wrong side of the dateline?
WHOOPS that should have said tomorrow. Acceptances will be going out today and the IC intro will be going up tomorrow. Any stragglers may need to wait a little because the team will need to come together to review their applications.
So I'd strongly recommend getting them in ASAP! Apps are only still open right now because I mixed up an IRL application window and the game one.
Tad Cooper
Makes sense. Mine’s in, but I know a few people still finishing theirs. korel Shard RadioactiveArachnid
Tad Cooper
Not calling y’all out but making sure you see that today would be more expedient
Tad Cooper
it makes sense. moving forward i think we'll be linking to the calendar rather than listing dates, since the calendar is trackable.
Tad Cooper
Yeah. It’s very nice of you to let it stay open until the later date - not that I want it to close earlier, but if this was my work, we would’ve just gotten a follow up email saying “lol we meant X date”
Much appreciated. I should be able to get it done, but I'm already warning folks that next month is going to be hellish for me.
0 to ∞
If we're just missing TDM samples, can we possibly write something up - eg, a logpost - to fill the space?
Samples need to be links to threads, but they do not have to be TDM threads.
0 to ∞
Alright, I'll see if I can get some; I actually don't have any of those, either.
chris 🧸
0 to ∞ : just tagged you on the TDM!
0 to ∞
aaah ty ;w;