but on the topic of Mercutio: if you read him as queer AF with Benvolio (as you should), These Violent Delights/Our Violent Ends gives them a romance they deserve, thank you.
I felt bad telling my ESL kiddos that one of the answers given in class yesterday wasn't right, bc it throws her under the bus, but they need to really get it
Mercutio was being a pissant and pushing the fight into being. at that point he doesn't care what Romeo's reasons are, just that he's looking weak and cowardly.
No. it's because he thinks his BFF is a coward.
II.iii Mercutio congratulates Romeo on being himself and no longer a fool for love. They believe him to be done with Rosaline at this point. like.
what if I just punt your coteacher into the sea instead
Tybalt: at the party, tries to start shit with Romeo