不過,就滿有趣的。D指的他有事情要做,是什麼事情?和他第一次對話地點是在寧姆格福的風暴山丘,本來在猜可能是百足環印的事,因為到圓桌後,羅傑爾和褪色者說,聽D說他發現了百足環印("D was telling me. That he discovered the mark of the centipede.")。只是,考慮到後續的侵蝕短劍和D弟弟所在的位置及菲雅殺人事件,取得環印的感覺應該是弟弟,加上兄弟二人不曾見過面,時間點上有點微妙。(當然也可能是D對羅說謊,雖然其實兩人好像都在找一樣的東西)
再來,菲雅台詞提到死王子的聖痕(印象中文翻譯是聖痕),「 Another mark in the shape of the half-wheel wound of the centipede.Godwyn's hallowbrand has since been recovered at the Roundtable Hold.」;羅傑爾提到受詛咒的百足環印,「That he(D) discovered the mark of the centipede. The centipede is an ancient symbol of the cursemark. 」、「I seek the curserk to save them.」
台詞裡面感覺有點偷換概念XDDD,或說兩邊指涉的事不同的東西?羅傑爾是指統稱,菲雅是專門指涉缺半的聖痕,因為「百足」的形狀其實有其意義。此外,遊戲中也有一件東西是黃金百足,「Golden Centipede」「黄金律の原理主義者/特に、死に生きる者の狩人たちの呪物であり/教会の側などで見られる」(英文是:「Kept as a fetish by Golden Order fundamentalists, especially the hunters of Those Who Live in Death. As such, they are found near churches and similar. 」說實在,日文和英文的翻譯到底是怎樣啦,英文是用fetishXDDDDD)
As such, they are found near churches and similar. 」說實在,日文和英文的翻譯到底是怎樣啦,英文是用fetishXDDDDD)