colorful bunch
[meme] murdergame considerations...hmmm
colorful bunch
mobius is a given but there are caveats to that, mostly that at current it can't be a memloss game and also boy I sure would like to have More Canon Please
colorful bunch
but I am not opposed to putting a good friend-shaped pencil pusher to dad all the troubled teenage girls and smooch whoever is the hottest mess in the game. just the biggest shitshow. point him do that character and he will get some dokis, probably
colorful bunch
I still have dreams of putting rush in a murdergame but not only do I have to eventually rewatch stargate universe, I also have like a specific kind of idea I want to do so it would need to be the right kind of setting and some other stuff, idk I'd be picky but I'd still like to if ever possible
colorful bunch
I'd have to do a little bit of rvb rewatching but I could probably pull off felix in more than just murderweek
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colorful bunch
specifically blindnis I would like for funsies
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oddballs who would need something specific going on or a particular setting or something but are still fun to think about: infinite, darkwing duck
i swear one day the stars will align and we will do jd/veronica
colorful bunch
colorful bunch
I do want to come back to this and say, I generally don't want to play like. good people. the kind that it's hard to see them do a murder without a lot of pushing. ('shawna didn't you put maria in the bnha villain mg-' I wanted to hurt people)
colorful bunch
it's why while I love malcolm and hope to someday bring him out of the box and dust him off again, I could never put him in a murdergame. he can kill, yes, but he would either die or do an accidental kill and that's no fun. his moral code is way too strong to ever be convinced to willingly do a murder
colorful bunch
mobius follows rules and has morals but I fully believe him to be capable of murder if pushed to it. he just would not necessarily be good at it but he could/would
colorful bunch
('what about darkwing' look I'm allowed one funny haha oddball choice, I'm glad I ended up dodging that adventure club mg frankly, but believe that I could make it work somehow ok)
colorful bunch
felix is a bad guy who murders for fun and profit and anger. infinite is a bad guy who murders for fun and misguided attempts to shape the world into...some shit my friends.
colorful bunch
rush is not a good guy. he is not a bad guy but hoooo boy he is not a good person and he has done a murder canonically (had it coming) and been the cause of death before
colorful bunch
ignis is the good man who has no problem with torturing someone for information and would let the world burn for noctis' sake
colorful bunch
you think he wouldn't be down for murder? he would. ignis could easily be a fixer type if you au'd the game a little to the left