Set, a facedown
[work stuff] spoke to my boss when i got in about saturday.
Set, a facedown
she's just. a very sympathetic person, and i like that about her a lot. her immediate reactions were to basically validate me, and then immediately ask one of the part-timers to come in on Friday.
Set, a facedown
i'm glad she like. gets it. i don't feel like i'm talking to a wall with her
Set, a facedown
that's why i don't like talking to our asms or our asds (which is sad because asds stands for associate support department supervisor...)
Set, a facedown
and we don't have a store manager atm which makes it harder.
Set, a facedown
like. my boss' reaction to seeing that there was no one after 6:30 with me on friday was "but that's good friday why would they do that?"
Set, a facedown
and she's right and she should say it
Set, a facedown
it's less about christianity at this point, and more about people want to spend time with their families easter weekend
Set, a facedown
so they'll try to get everything in by friday and saturday
Set, a facedown
never mind that the asds decided it was an excellent idea to schedule their fucking closer with set scheduling hours on easter. i typically come in at 12:30, 1:30, or for sundays, 11:30.
Set, a facedown
she, in her infinite wisdom, has decided to schedule me 9:30. very rude. beyond rude.
Set, a facedown
i don't mind working holidays but 9:30???
book of thot
Set, a facedown
i agree i'm just like haha whY?