[RP] So I have a strange RP question. How does it feel playing from an ongoing canon and getting wild new canon info for canon updating? (thinking)
TELL ME YOUR EXPERIENCES... Do you usually wait until an arc is finished before canon updating? Or if the canon is like "oh god it's bad", do you usually stick to the canon point that you like playing that character
Or the canon itself isn't bad... You just like playing that character from a certain point
An example would be like... Say that you're playing Goku from OG DB (not DBZ) and you've been doing it for 2 years. So you feel pretty comfortable with how you've been portraying him up to that point
I played Allen Walker for like 3 years and it was a wild time lmao
Iiiiiiii think it depends on the character. sometimes i want an earlier canon point, sometimes I just want one that is later on but where I don't need to worry about in-progress stuff. and sometimes it's just awkward to play from a later point if there is no mention of your character from the last few chapters/volumes and you have no effing clue what they
are up to or what they should know
to be fair, we STILL don't know all the details of what really happened with him, Mana, and the Earl, but I basically had the benefit of playing him in a memoryloss game, so I could just kind of pick and choose what I left out
Then DBZ comes around and you learnt that he's actually an alien from race of space monkeys and he had a brother... Also his father was a cool dude who tried to solo a space tyrant one time
With Ritsuka, I usually wait to update her a whole Lostbelt at a time, rather than do it piecemeal, just because SO much happens in every main story chapter
I mmmmmight do Lostbelt 6 in pieces, though, just because that one's the biggest chapter yet
I know that when I first started playing Accelerator I used earlier canon points but that was because a lot of the later volumes weren't translated. the translations dramatically affected how I played him cos we found out pre-brain damage Accelerator is very different from post-brain damage Accelerator
Red Reflector
i know this p. much happened once i started playing niina at ryslig. the newest game came out and basically threw the anime she was in for a major loop because of the cosmology worldbuilding things.
terravesty : god DGM <_> Allen has such a jigsaw puzzle past so I admire people who seriously play him
Red Reflector
but i basically went 'well that's a thing. idk if i'll canon update past the ending of the anime now but wow'
I’ve never had to canon update a character and it’s sort of a mystery to me. I’ll have to do it with Mash eventually a
I still love DGM, ridiculous incoherent nonsense that it is, but playing Allen was just an exercise in "I have no idea what I'm doing "
so after the initial canon update for Accelerator to post-brain damage in CFUD, I just made a point of never canon updating him in any other game I had him. I just chose my preferred canon point well for any game I apped him to
I know someone who was playing Jack Vesalius from Pandora Hearts pre the HUGE reveal about him and iirc they had to just drop because it was so wild about the reveal
I was just thinking about that reveal before you brought up Jack
definitely looks at PH
yeah, the reveal basically recolors EVERYTHING about Jack once you know it
that was a Time
reveals for so many characters in PH, but especially Jack
I played Sharon so I never had to worry lmao
I still remember the Oz reveal too
I also played Sharon but it was well after reveals
Allen and Oz would be BFFs honestly
unfortunately our girl was horribly underutilized :'|
Sharon deserved better
I sadly never had cr with Oz when I played Allen; the one time I had ongoing cr with an Oz was when I was playing an OC
who was also very rabbit-themed so eyyyy
I did play Yang from RWBY and then one of the season finales hit and it was like
"oh no"
But frankly even if fgo pulls something really wild with Ritsuka at the end, I'm not very worried about it, because I'm just going one Lostbelt at a time
I'm mostly just waiting for Kate and I to catch up on LB5 and just jump from 3 to 5 because that's also applicable to Kadoc
I know for Touma, I originally played him post OT so that was at the end of WWIII where his status was ambiguous... So I winged it from there
ex foedere
It depends on the canon, and how likely the new info changes things up
ex foedere
The difference between "they won after a power-up" and "whatever Pandora Hearts RPers suffered"
then NT9 happened....... where I go "JESUS CHRIST" and not only does he goes through a lot of deep shit, it was redefines who he is a character.... So it was a big change for him
At least for Rewrite... It's a finished VN, so I have nothing to worry about for Kotarou unless I get an announcement for Rewrite 2 next year
I'm playing him from the second to last route in the game, but if I were to play Kotarou in another game, I would probably do post- Terra as long as he has his powers
I think the only other character I played that had a twist revealed about her was Yukizome Chisa, and I had already watched the whole of DR3 before I picked her up
curieosity。 /grips ur hands were you the accel in cfud?! I played index there during a fourth wall once and just wanted to say I really enjoyed your portrayal okaybye I was actually thinking of him just the other day cause I was listening to the new placebo album and remembered all his keywords were lyrics and how good that was.
ex foedere
I'm pretty sure people got that while the DR LPs are being translated and updated
I was in a game back in the day with someone who played. Heck. I can’t remember their name. But the long red haired character from black butler? And I remember they handled the trans reveal really well. Seamlessly, even. Appreciate thGRELL her name is Grell I remembered
RPing and canon updating for Air Gear was fun too since back in the day... It was just a manga about rollerskates, then it evolved into something else
THANK FOR THESE RESPONSES... I'm glad this is making sense since I was ing in my head
I feel like I usually play protags who don't change too dramatically so they don't go from "nice humble person" to "murderous villain" in one canon update... Though it's fun to watch reactions in casts when that DOES happen
ex foedere
Any MC turned villain are usually easy to see coming
Playing a villain in RP can be a tricky affair especially if they're hiding their identity. Bonus points if the rp cast is in the know AFTER the reveal and you are playing before the reveal
SWEET POTATO : yes, I was the Accelerator! i vaguely recall seeing an Index around once.
I had him there from.... Dec 2009 to I wanna say about June 2014?
or April. mid 2014.
Zestium Beam!
that was me, during the height of Negima. and then I stopped caring for a while and then I had the same experience during PokeAni SuMo during when I was back in the saddle with Ash Ketchum
it was a wild ride to go from episode 20 of Index Season 1 BEFORE saving Last Order to.... damn, I don't remember the exact point I used but somewhere during what eventually got animated in Season 3
and in subsequent games I eventually went with end of NT6, then NT10.
I think NT10 was where I last played Touma for a game (thinking)
If I apped him anywhere now, then it would def. be post NT22R... I still wanna play KnT!Touma one day
it's a good, solid place to take him from.
Praise the Sun!
funniest thing of that was hyobu getting a surprise power update where he could do like 4 other powers but I pretty much stopped playing a bit after that so never really mattered
Hyobu still OP is hell
*as even
I'd be funny playing Luffy from One Piece right now since while his character hasn't changed... The lore behind his powers and what he can do has
Yeah it really depends. Id say if there are mysteries about them or you don't have all their motives understood it can be risky.
i can't say i blame anyone for being wary of being pandora hearts'd
PH shitstorms were something else
𝕁υѕт мєℓσ∂ιє
It can suck
𝕁υѕт мєℓσ∂ιє
Imagine playing a sentient video game character, and then you get new info revealing she's actually an AI built by a company within a simulated reality to test whether the real world is actually a simulation.
𝕁υѕт мєℓσ∂ιє
You just want to punch the creator of the series (metaphorically, ofc)
Reminds me when I played Ange from Umineko back in its hayday and I had played from the end of Episode 4, so I was like "oh her story is probably over from here so I can do whatever"
Then Episode 6 happens and I'm like "oh cool more Ange! Guess I'll canon update her since she knows more and we have a cast now"
Episode 7:
as a cast, we were all going "R07 why "
at least when I played Erika, her character arc was finished in Episode 6 so I didn't have to worry about anything else... If I played her straight from Episode 8, she could've been rocking a wild pirate hat tho'
she was just there for the ride and having a good time
it's kind of hard to tell... I've had some wild shit go down in canons while I played from them, but it also was never in a bad way/something that would affect my playing negatively? I guess I've been lucky like that haha