Zilla Fieri
>Wake up, head filled with existential dread and life woes
> Plays one level of Doom 2016
I feel so much better, guys, for real
Zilla Fieri
Sometimes I just want to turn off my brain and commit demonic genocide
Zilla Fieri
There's a satisfying feeling going to Hell and hearing the demons go "Guys, he's back over here. We're fucked."
WARNING: The Slayer has entered the facility.
Gotta love that they made a whole-ass warning just for you. :-)
You literally are the reason why the demons struggle with a low population.
You are the extinction event.
Zilla Fieri
They're not struggling hard enough
they need to struggle more
Zilla Fieri
One of the reasons I picked Doom 2016 back up is because I have Eternal waiting for me and I do wanna play that, but god damn if 2016 isn't a worthwhile experience on its own
It really is.
Zilla Fieri
I remember when it first came out and Bethesda didn't advertise the single player campaign like, at all
Zilla Fieri
And people were like "WHY WOULD YOU HIDE THIS, IT'S AMAZING"
the pvp is trash, all pvp is trash
the campaign is where it's at
Zilla Fieri
The campaign is so good, Bethesda made that front and center of Eternal's marketing
tsuchinoko real
DOOM was...so good.
Especially once I got the Super Shotty.
I practically never use video game shotguns, but ohhhhhhhhhhh my god using the Super Shotgun was transcendental
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wha- why would you advertise pvp in doom?
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why would you PUT pvp in doom?
so people wont bitch about lack of shooty multiplayer
so they just farted one out and said there you go
and focused on campaign
Zilla Fieri
Because execs believe they're absolutely mandatory and cram them into as many games as possible
Zilla Fieri
usually to the detriment of the game
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because you know the one kind of game that's been lacking in the market for the past 20 years is shooty multiplayer games
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I say, sarcasticly
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while looking at the list of 19 Call of Duty games, with a new one coming out yearly since 2005
Reminder that pvp/deathmatch in original doom was also put in to hit the feral demands of Gamers, and that was before you had better multiplayer than "two computers and an Ethernet cable"
doom being absolutely crushed by the forced weight of multiplayer has been baked into the franchise for as long as John Romero has, albeit for completely unrelated reasons