infancy (n.)初期,初創階段 encompass (vt)包含 This technology is in its infancy, but he believes the time is right to "adopt a new company brand to encompass everything that we do."
retain (vt)保留,繼續擁有 Meta's individual platforms, such as FB and Ins, will retain their separate names and identities.
circular (a)圓形的,環狀的 (n)印刷品 Kransekage literally means "wreath cake", and is a ring-shaped tower made up of increasingly smaller circular cookies stacked on atop another.
prosperous (a)富裕的;興旺的 The long noodles represent a long and prosperous.
殊重feat每日挑戰 增加字彙量
encompass (vt)包含
This technology is in its infancy, but he believes the time is right to "adopt a new company brand to encompass everything that we do."
retain (vt)保留,繼續擁有
Meta's individual platforms, such as FB and Ins, will retain their separate names and identities.
Kransekage literally means "wreath cake", and is a ring-shaped tower made up of increasingly smaller circular cookies stacked on atop another.
prosperous (a)富裕的;興旺的
The long noodles represent a long and prosperous.
カレーライス kare-raiisu 咖哩飯
ハンバーガーhannba-ga- 漢堡
オレンジジュース orejujyu-su 柳橙汁
デザート deza-to 甜點