JavaWinters 😷
Oh, no! Another Wordle variant!
JavaWinters 😷
I'm going to do one that's only one line of six letters. And the word is always WORDLE.
JavaWinters 😷
Antiwordle 59
3 guesses

JavaWinters 😷
JavaWinters 😷
Since potato boyo got me hooked on Quordle and Octordle, I feel like I owe him one. (LOL)
potato boyo
oh no
potato boyo
JavaWinters 😷 : did you see wheredle?
JavaWinters 😷
No, I hadn't, but it doesn't look good. I prefer Worldle. ;-)
potato boyo
Antiwordle 59
9 guesses

JavaWinters 😷
potato boyo
how are those apples to your liking!
JavaWinters 😷
Word games that make me think...
JavaWinters 😷
Geography games that tax my memory...
do I need another vaccine for that?
JavaWinters 😷
Oops! Antiwordle 60
3 guesses
