salemat pagi
so, all opinions of amazon as a whole aside (or comixology), i'm really annoyed by amazon's acquisition and absorption here for one reason in particular

salemat pagi
i used amazon for ebooks and comixology for comics, because my tastes in the two don't align perfectly

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now my comics have all been moved into my kindle app and i can't find a way to make it exclude them from the list, and my book recommendations are going to likely be affected by my comics, throwing the whole damn thing off.

salemat pagi
maybe there's a way to make it work better and this just amounts to "tech-failing old can't work apps" but it feels more right to say fuck bezos

salemat pagi
i think that's generally a fair statement anyway, so i should be in the clear regardless.

Wait they moved all of comixology into the kindle app????

fucking...then why did they bother changing the comixology app at all when they could have just nuked it? And they seem able to exclude ebooks on comixology through some kind of filter, surely there's a way to do it the other way around

salemat pagi
i mean the comixology app still exists it, and you can use it, but the comics are also all on the kindle reader too, which would be one thing if it weren't cluttering up my library

no I know that, I use comixology and I hate the update in terms of market place and filtering

salemat pagi
and the comixology SITE seems to have actually been nuked, it just redirects to amazon now, which sucks because that takes away the utility of subscribing to stuff

salemat pagi
you just "preorder" stuff now

and I know the kindle reader always had access to like collected editions and graphic novels

yeah I'm not a fan of that

salemat pagi
but there was a reason i didn't get comics through kindle, yeah

and what I'm also not a fan of is on the comixology app you can't buy issues in batches anymore

each one you order is a seperate purchase

and I'm just like "who the fuck is this for"

also thanks for reminding me to remove my one subscription I had, I don't wanna pay 4 bucks for every new issue three months before it comes out.