If I didn't play X, I'd play Y!
if I didn't play Rinea, my other choice would be Berkut, of course
i almost DID bring him to avalon, but decided he was too mean to have as a second character when my first was already shady. LOL
berkut's character arc in a panfandom rp game would be good for him but also would involve a lot of being mean and then getting clowned on. very different from rineas. LMAO
I would actually also go for Lukas, too. My beloved boy... https://images.plurk.com/WhG37rza3BXf2JJzZD9IY.png
would be interestign to balance lukas's chill guy vibes versus Being In The Army Makes Me Feel Alive Actually. LMFAO
As for hypmic, if i didn't play Rei... god, I don't know????? I could go for Jiro, who was my fav before Osaka Division was announced... he's a stupid dog of a boy, which would also be. VERY different from his dad. KDSFHSDFKJSDF
i would also consider Otome for the hottest of seconds, but that would be... so hard. I adore her but imagining her in a panfandom game is making me laugh EXTREMELY hard. (puts her back in tokyo) sorry ma'am
chris would have bullied berkut into being a better knight and human being
And he would have hated EVERY MINUTE OF IT 🥰🥰🥰
it's good for his moral education