[work] And it's set! After five months off my first day back on the grind will be this Friday!

This entire break period was a great lesson for myself over all on how important life outside of work is

And that i have to be better qt pacing myself and setting my limits

And it helped me get a lot of perspective on where I want to be with my life

I have to sign up for drivers ed and then set a limit for my availability to make time to learn

And have a meeting with the new temp district lead about my development

Set some hard limits

And if (fingers crossed) ani gets this scrum job i may just even chose to be demoted and switch to part time so that I can start studying scrum myself

Cause considering that career path pays way more it'd be much easier for me ani to give ourselves a higher standard of living even if if means we have to spend a few months every year away from eachother