Growing up in a very Jewish area, there were SO many delis and so on that had bagels and lox. To some extent, I just assumed that was a staple breakfast item.
Living in Milldegeville didn't really dispel this notion. Like. Of COURSE Milledgeville doesn't have it, you can't get breakfast in Milledgeville unless it's Wendy's or McDonald's or (in the last year or so) Dunkin. Oh, and Chic Fil A. Those were your options, I'm not kidding.
Presumably other areas have similar fills for the niche of "breakfast that isn't strictly breakfast" but I have only lived in a couple of places in my life and I was too young when we lived in Wisconsin to remember what Green Bay had going.
Instead, that entire breakfast-lunch meal niche is actually filled by Coneys, aka Greek foods. Which is really neat!