A Grinning DM
[Star Trek rant] so, I’ve watched a lot of “new Trek” over the past few years, and I have to say that overall, the writing’s not great?
A Grinning DM
(I don’t know if anyone else on my timeline watches new Trek, might just be ranting to myself here)
A Grinning DM
The main issue is pacing
A Grinning DM
Picard and Discovery both frequently spend two or even sometimes THREE 44 minute episodes to cover enough plot to fill about 22 minutes
A Grinning DM
They use that extra time to pepper in a bunch of stuff that feels like it belongs in a fanfic. A bunch of ‘member berries. Rehashing old shit for the sake of nostalgia.
A Grinning DM
I’ll probably keep watching Picard. Discovery has pretty much lost me.
A Grinning DM
Lower Decks and Prodigy are still enjoyable so far, I think there are very different writing teams on those shows for obvious reasons
A Grinning DM
I think spite encouraged me to give Discovery as much of a chance as I did. I see so many neck beards bitching about how it’s “woke Trek” as if Trek hasn’t always been “woke”
A Grinning DM
But I also think Owl House in particular has shown a light on how bad Trek’s pacing has been just by sheer contrast
A Grinning DM
The tightness of the plot in pacing in Owl House, especially in the second season so far, has been a master class. More plot delivered on that show in 4 hours than Discovery has managed across 4 god damn seasons
How far into disco are you?
But yeah no I agree
And I’ll never not be angry about the deus ex machi a of time crystals
But yeah I agree with you about Picard and Disco
I’m having such a hard time getting into them even this far in
But Lower Decks and Prodigy are delightful
I love what they’re doing in new trek animation
A Grinning DM
𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊𝕱𝖚𝖗𝖇𝖞𝕭𝖆𝖇𝖞❓ : I watched Disco seasons 1-3, and started season 4 and just couldn't maintain interest anymore
A Grinning DM
Picard is not particularly inspiring confidence either
Princess Emily
I mean, Owl House was also denied more seasons that they wanted to pace the story out for longer
Princess Emily
so that's kind of a weird comparison to make
Princess Emily
A Grinning DM
Princess Emily : yes I'm aware that Owl House had to speed things up but they still managed to do it without it feeling rushed. And watching both shows at the same time for me higlights even more how incredibly slow Trek has been
A Grinning DM
hence the reason I brought it up specifically
A Grinning DM
Like Picard's first two episodes PLUS the first part of the third episode all should have just been one episode, at most. It about 20 minutes worth of story stretched out to nearly two hours
A Grinning DM
like I'm fine with 20 minutes of story in a 44 min episode to let it breathe, but by episode 3 I'm over going
Bender Rodriguez - LETS GO ALREADY!!!! - Futurama Qu...
A Grinning DM
And across the new Trek stuff, more and more whenever they drop in something nostalgic that doesn't really advance the plot it feels like they do it just because they don't have confidence in the story to hold our attention
A Grinning DM
For example, Spock didn't need to be in Discovery
Princess Emily
only new-ish trek stuff i watch is Lower Decks
Princess Emily
that seems all right compared to what ur describing lol
A Grinning DM
Princess Emily : I like Lower Decks
A Grinning DM
and even though it's as guilty of dropping in tons of nostalgia bait, I excuse because of the nature of that show
A Grinning DM
I'm really looking forward to the next season
yeah but like
Steven Universe goes through a ton of plot
A Grinning DM
a lot of "children's" cartoons show how much plot you can fit into 22 or even 11 minutes
A Grinning DM
and do it well
sure there are "filler" episodes, but it's still a tighter pace
yeah for sure
A Grinning DM
so when I show gets 44 fucking minutes per episode and still needs to make it a 3 parter that doesn't resolve anything by the end
A Grinning DM
it's like, where the fuck did you get these writers?
A Grinning DM
I was looking forward to Strange New Worlds and am already apphrensive because Paramount is already dropping promotional stills for season 2
A Grinning DM
season 1 isn't even out yet wtf?
A Grinning DM
and the season 2 stills feature a new actor playing Captain Kirk in the chair of the Enterprise
A Grinning DM
like are they really dumping Ansom Mount as Pike after one season
A Grinning DM
and telling us this before the show even STARTS
A Grinning DM
in light of the other shit, it just makes me think that again they don't have confidence in the show, so they want to put Kirk in there as soon as possible because they think fans will just love it if it has Kirk
A Grinning DM
just like how they didn't have faith in Discovery so they shoe-horned in that Burnham is Spock's literally top-secret adopted sister
A Grinning DM
so they could have an OG character in the cast to hold old fan's interest
A Grinning DM
(which doesn't even work anyway because the kind of fans that only care about seeing Spock, Kirk, and Bones have A LOT of overlap with the fans that bitch about "woke Trek" boohoo)
SNW is allegedly going to be more episodic?
which honestly I fucking hope so.
A Grinning DM
𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊𝕱𝖚𝖗𝖇𝖞𝕭𝖆𝖇𝖞❓ : yeah which is why I was looking forward to it
Yeah I'd seen some stills of Kirk but I didn't know any of the context behind it?
A Grinning DM
yeah I'm hoping it's misleading marketing and it's just a cameo or something
A Grinning DM
maybe another future vision
Considering how much t he fans were clamoring for an Ansom Mount Pike series that seems like a weird trajectory?
A Grinning DM
I really like Ansom Mount, give him at least 2 or 3 season
A Grinning DM
like we all know what happens to Pike eventually but come on give the man some time to shine
Like I'm really excited to see the pilot characters get to have a series
A Grinning DM
𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊𝕱𝖚𝖗𝖇𝖞𝕭𝖆𝖇𝖞❓ : right? Even though they are technically the oldest characters they FEEL new because they mostly only existed in the pilot
and lol I suuuuper can't wait to see Number One and Nurse Chapel have conversations
And Dr. M'Benga? sold. I'm so here for him