more info on ToryScum corruption and stealing UK public money to waste on overpriced PPE from dodgy suppliers in order for them to profit and the Cons to get party donations.

Jo Maugham on Twitter

more on government corruption & criminality with regard to hiding its dodgy dealings & decisions and shredding the virtual evidence instead of keeping the legally required records:
The Citizens on Twitter

how the government enables widespread corruption & criminality & money-laundering through its various institutions which are supposed to be protecting the public from such misbehaviour instead:
Natalie Bennett on Twitter

the over-arching problem is that the uber-criminals are the ones in power in the UK. They keep trying to demonise the small-fry and criminalise innocent refugees etc to distract from their own mega-crimes against the people and the planet.

another of the lying, profiteering people in power was Tory peer Michelle Mone :
Paul Lewis on Twitter

that they are of course desperate to conceal their criminality from scrutiny / exposure because none of it was innocent or accidental or ever genuinely intended for the public good:
Jo Maugham on Twitter