dragon time
character flaw questions! Ask me them!

dragon time
Especially about Salvezra so I can talk about what a disaster he is

1, 3, 8, 18 for salvezra

Sal: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20

Tell us how much he sucks

dragon time
Oh boyhere I go

dragon time
1. What is one thing others might find intolerable about them? he's a gloomy religious fanatic who is pretty open about not considering his co workers to be real people

dragon time
Like the three mitigating factors there are 1. This especially applies to the way he thinks about himself so he's not being a hypocrite about it

dragon time
2. He clearly has some problems with this even if he won't admit it

dragon time
3. I like character development

dragon time
3. Name one or more of their bad habits.

dragon time
When he's under a lot of stress he goes nonverbal which is super bad for a military asset which is regularly exposed to a lot of stress

dragon time
Also he can read a lot more personal information from someone's heartbeat than anyone would like him to and if he can't figure out what it means he will brainstorm it with Ancelin

dragon time
I'm planning to work that into some kind of challenge skill but I've got time to workshop it

dragon time
8. What mistake(s) do they continue to make/have not learned from?

dragon time
Well clearly it's getting attached to fellow Curse Eaters because that's not what that heart is for and this is punishment for misusing it

dragon time
Or depending on point of view it's not getting attached enough and not telling people what they mean to him before he loses them so now he just carries around the regret that they died without hearing it and that's it for their existence?

dragon time
That one comes from personal experience. Tabletop, it's like therapy with dice

dragon time
18. Are they ever a pushover about something? If so, how? oh boy is he ever


dragon time
He doesn't really think of himself as someone who gets to want things so if something isn't about The Mission or protecting real people then he gives in very quickly

dragon time
In the prequel fanfiction I am writing he wears a lot of stupid disguises because the prior team captain loves stupid disguises and he morosely puts up with it

Oh prequel fics

An intriguing idea

dragon time
He is a little better at standing up for himself if it's about things that he actively doesn't want but if we have to pretend we are joining up with a circus for The Mission there's really no choice

dragon time
(Ancelin liked this one because they got to hide their horns under a funny hat and throw knives at the captain)

(ancelin was so jazzed about it)

dragon time
Sabra appears in one of the fics except it is an epistolary account of the Wanderer incident so the narrator is incredibly unreliable because of all the huge secrets in there


dragon time
Fanfiction is how I get my fix while I wait for a new season and if I have to write it myself then so be it

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He was a fantastic clown, by the way

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He was the guy they'd dump a bucket of slop on or the guy getting hit by a ladder when the other clown ducked down to tie his shoe

dragon time
Every time he honked sadly about it the audience would lose their fucking minds

dragon time
4. Any addictions? (Food, sex, drugs/alcohol, shopping, power/control, etc.)

dragon time
He does his best to avoid any of that which is arguably itself a bit of a control addiction

dragon time
He doesn't really feel comfortable doing things that feel good on purpose because it feels like a waste

Fuck, now I want to read that fanfiction.

dragon time
He does like a good hot bath a lot but will wash in a cold stream unless someone leans on his pushover tendency - which is easier these days because it's good for all those injuries he got fighting Imogen and harder because he's not always in shape to manage a full bath and he's grouchy about it

dragon time
12. At least one thing that they tend to overreact to.

dragon time
I am not always consistent on what kind of baked good it was - let's say it's pie right now

dragon time
So back in the day Giselle was trying to get him to like her and she baked a pie, and she wasn't like comically bad, it was a decent pie

dragon time
But Salvezra as mentioned above is wildly uncomfortable with anything self indulgent and his other teammates pushed him into eating it because they figured it would be a nice gesture and he'd like it and it would be a bonding experience

dragon time
This was more sugar and butter than he had had in his entire life up to this point, and his digestive system had no idea how to handle it and he was like "this is terrible please never do this again"

dragon time
(He may have also been allergic to strawberries)

dragon time
This is a massively embarrassing memory and eventually he got over it and asked her to cook for him again and she was like "I've known you for a few years now I'll cook something for the Salvezra I've come to know rather than the Salvezra I was imagining"

dragon time
This was shortly before the Imogen mission obv

dragon time
He doesn't even like looking at pie now


one day ancelin will make a pie for the both of them to quietly eat in silence (or for ancelin to eat and salvezra to stare at in contemplation for fives econds)

dragon time
Salvezra's pie review: too salty

dragon time
He's been silently crying into it while eating it no shit it's salty

ancelin kindly doesn't mention he's been crying into it

dragon time
16. Do they have any behaviors and/or beliefs that cannot be adequately justified?

dragon time
This is a Quinn campaign I'm sure that we'll find out that the church and entire concept of curse eaters have been built upon a flawed foundation and that we will have to overthrow the shit out of it

dragon time
I can definitely justify or explain every single batshit thing about Salvezra and how he acts and thinks and most of it boils down to either religion or poorly treated PTSD

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I crafted a meaty set of circumstances to fuck this man up in the head and I am proud of it

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Oh, the third thing I can use to justify Salvezra behavior is that he is stupid

dragon time
The man thought strawberries were inherently poisonous

dragon time
That's just you dude

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I consider him to be a really funny character he's just also really tragic and those two aspects only enhance each other

dragon time
20. What is a self-inflicted misery of theirs?

dragon time
He's incredibly lonely and doesn't necessarily think of himself as having friends because you need to be a person to be friends and he, being a curse eater, doesn't have a soul and he personally doesn't have enough memory of being a person with a soul to really pull off even faking it

dragon time
Like all of you are doing expertly

dragon time
(I am assuming that curse eaters have exactly as much soul or no soul as everyone else and that he's wrong)