[work] just thoughts about possible promotion as I've been processing them more
conversations have been slow because everyone is busy and tbh I'm fine with that because I'm also trying to get my ducks in a row
but the conversations I am having make me realize how much the director wants me in this role simply because I have the skillset she wants to hire for but simply can't put in the job description because basically the people above her don't understand what our team needs to do to be successful
the absolute age old classic case of not understanding that just because someone is a content expert doesn't mean they understand how to deliver something in a very niche platform
apparently the people way at the top refuse to relinquish classroom design control to our team even though our faculty are basically just contracted adjuncts (who are absolutely valued and appreciated for what they do bring to the table but like... their skills do not include building the classroom it is supplying the content)
and lmao that's just so short sighted and stupid and I really feel for the director being in this position. I'm also getting my choice pick of the programs I'd be working on with the best faculty to do this work with
a similar role came up not even that long ago that I wanted nothing to do with simply because those faculty would have been awful to work with
so the more conversations I'm having the more I feel like I can turn this experience into what I want it to be for my own development and if it sucks I'll take that manager title and jump ship with a masters degree in tow in a year or two~
also commanding a really good salary too. I'm thinking combined with the recent pay fiasco I should be commanding at least a 15% bump
also just sitting and stewing on the past three years not knowing where I would land after coming back to the states. One thing I'd like to work on is just having more faith in myself going forward when it comes time to make those changes.